This is the last part of Technical Museum Nikola Tesla.
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Technical Museum Nikola Tesla (Part 3)
Continuing to Technical Museum Nikola Tesla series. Are shown another section and main hall. Other part are in following links.
Technical Museum Nikola Tesla (Part 2)
This is the second post of series about the Technical Museum Nikola Tesla. To see the first post, click in following button.
Technical Museum Nikola Tesla (Part 1)
I was in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital and visited the Technical Museum Nikola Tesla. It is a huge museum and this is the first part of series.
Tesla coil: what is it and how does it work?
In 1891, Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil, a transformer that produces very high voltage and high frequency current.
Transmitting wireless electrical power
Imagine recharge electronic devices without plugging in. The technology to transmit wireless electrical power already exists and it’s this post’s subject.