The IR vehicle is a simple project, a car with Arduino, that receives an infrared signal from a remote control to control 2 servomotors.
Category: Light
The launch of Einstein mission
China launched the Einstein probe to study X-ray emissions from neutron stars, black holes, and other phenomena.
Arduino tutorial (Part 8, IR remote control), 2nd edition
One more Arduino tutorial. This time will be explained how to control devices with an IR remote control. The operation of IR (infrared) control will be subject to another post.
Introduction to phased array antennas
This post subject is phased array antennas. They are many arranged radiators to behave like a single antenna.
Corona effect on electricity
This post’s subject is corona effect or corona discharge. This phenomenon is common in medium and high voltage transmission lines.
2 projects with LED effect
The two shown projects to make LED effect using the Johnson counter 4017.
An atom observed by X-rays
For the first time, a single atom received a X-rays beam, identifying the elemente and revealing information about the chemical state.
The first ultrathin and compact metalens
Was developed the metalens, a new type of lens for telescopes and cameras, which can be flat and operates on near-infrared region.
How CCD sensor works?
The CCD is the abbreviation of Charged Couple Device. This light sensor is very used to obtain images in digital cameras, telescopes and smartphones.
Liquid mirror telescope
This post’s subject is the liquid mirror telescope. The operation, advantages and disadvantages and, some projects are shown.