ChatGPT is a large language model. It was developed a smaller model with high performance, which work better in cellphones.
Category: Automation
Haolong: the Chinese space shuttle
The unmanned space shuttle Haolong was revealed, it will transport cargo to the space station and will land like a plane.
Basic concepts of artificial intelligence (AI)
This post is an introduction to basic concepts of AI, a technology with an ever increasing number of applications.
Analysis of samples collected by Chang’e 6
It was released the result of the first analysis of samples collected by Chang’e 6 mission, on the dark side of the Moon.
Visit to Robostantsiya
The Робостанция (Robostantsiya), or robotic station, is an interactive robot exhibition, which is on ВНДХ (VNDKh) park, in Moscow.
Humanoid robot for railway maintenance
The West Japan Railway deployed a humanoid robot, controlled by virtual reality, to make repairs on Japan’s railway lines.
Autonomous robot with legs and wheels
An autonomous robot with wheels and legs was built by ETH Zurich, combining the advantages of both ways of locomotion.
Electrical e-Library on Gundam Factory
I was in Yokohama, Japan, and I visited the Gundam Factory, where there’s a full-size Gundam, with 18 meters (59 ft) and 25 tons (55115 lb).
NeRmo, the robotic mouse with a flexible spine
Was built the NeRmo, a robotic mouse with a flexible spine, which has great agility and speed.