Category: Microcontrollers
DHT11 and DHT22, temperature and humidity sensors
DHT11 and DHT22 are sensors manufactured by Aosong, with a digital output for measurements. Here, it’s shown how to use it on Arduino.
IR vehicle with Arduino
The IR vehicle is a simple project, a car with Arduino, that receives an infrared signal from a remote control to control 2 servomotors.
Arduino tutorial (Part 8, IR remote control), 2nd edition
One more Arduino tutorial. This time will be explained how to control devices with an IR remote control. The operation of IR (infrared) control will be subject to another post.
SPI communication protocol
The SPI, an abbreviation of Serial Peripherical Interface, is another communication protocol used in microcontrollers and peripherical.
Arduino with LCD Keypad
This post’s subject is the LCD Keypad module, which allows to control a LCD display with buttons without wires and a protoboard.
Arduino with Bluetooth module HC-05
In this post, it’s shown how to control an Arduino with a smartphone using an easy method, through a Bluetooth module HC-05 or HC-06.
I2C communication protocol
The communication protocol I2C is very used in microcontrollers such as Arduino. But what is I2C? It’s this post’s subject.
Using the MPU6050 module with Arduino
The MPU6050 module is an accelerometer and gyroscope with 6 axis degrees of freedom. In this post, are shown the operation and a project example.
Accelerometer: how does it work and how to use it?
The accelerometer is present in every smartphone, tablet, and portable videogames. In this post, are shown the operation and how to use a module with Arduino.