How are offshore wind turbines kept at sea, and how is the generated energy transmitted to the shore? This is the subject of this post.
Category: Sea and ocean
pH: definition and importance
This post shows the concept of pH and its influence on the nitrogen cycle. This is a continuation of the previous post about Environment.
Nitrogen cycle: what is it and how it works?
This post subject is the nitrogen cycle, an important geochemical process for the survival of living beings inland and aquatic ecosystems.
Corals in Greenland coast
A garden of soft corals and sponges was discovered on the west coast of Greenland.
Technical Museum Nikola Tesla (Part 4)
This is the last part of Technical Museum Nikola Tesla.
Scientists created cyborgs jellyfishes
Scientists created cyborgs jellyfishes, placing microelectronic prosthesis which control swim speed of these animals.
El Niño and La Niña
El Niño and La Niña are climatic phenomena with opposite features. The description and influence in climate are shown in this post.
What is hydroinformatics?
The hydroinformatics is a multidisciplinar branch which applies information technology, artificial intelligence and computer modeling to management of water resources.
Tidal power generation
This post’s subject is another way to generate energy from seas and oceans. It is the tidal power generation.
Other types of OTEC
In the last post about energy, was explained the operation of OTEC technology. Today are shown other types of power plants, which are variations of open and closed cycles.