The Seebeck and Peltier effects are thermoelectric phenomena that explain the operation of thermocouples, temperature sensors with 2 different materials.
Category: Analog electronics
Star and delta configurations
In addition to parallel and series, impedances also can make star and delta connections. Also are shown the transformations.
How to polarize BJT transistor? (Part 3)
This is the third and last part of the series about BJT transistor polarization. Other circuit configurations are shown.
Capacitance and inductance: more information
I received requests to write more about capacitance and inductance. This post can be considered as the second part of derivated electrical quantities.
How to polarize BJT transistor? (Part 2)
This is the second part about BJT polarization. Are shown projects of circuits with fixed and emitter’s stable polarization.
Technical Museum Nikola Tesla (Part 4)
This is the last part of Technical Museum Nikola Tesla.
RL circuit analysis
Today is shown how to do RL circuit analysis which have resistors, switches and inductors.
Design and assembling of a linear source
You need a DC generator source, but for some reason, can’t purchase one? You can build your linear source, in this post is shown how.
Other 3 circuit theorems
Exist other circuit theorems in addition to Thévenin and Norton. Are shown in this post: Maximum power transfer, Millman and Substitution.
Multivibrators with 2 transistors: astable, monostable and bistable
A multivibrator is a circuit that has two states in output, high or “1” and low or “0”. Multivibrators can be of three types: Astable, monostable, and bistable. This post shows…